Summer Meals Help Boost Child Nutrition

Summer is a time for pool splashes, sunscreen, and cooling snacks, but summer also brings a harsh reality for children across the United States of not having enough food or balanced meals readily available. During the school year, nearly 30 million children participate in the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National School Lunch Program and receive healthy, balanced meals and snacks throughout the week. SUN Meals (formerly known as the Summer Food Service Program) is an extension of this federal food program and offers snacks and meals to kids of all ages at no cost and can be found at schools, parks, and community locations in efforts to bridge the gap in consistent meals and nutrition during the summer.

Milk and Dairy Foods’ Impact on Nutrition Security

According to the USDA, β€œnutrition security means all Americans have consistent and equitable access to healthy, safe, affordable foods essential to optimal health and well-being.”  Both school and summer meals through these programs follow meal pattern regulations that offer children high-quality nutrition by including dairy foods. In the US, milk, cheese, and yogurt provide all children and adults over the age of two with over 50% of their daily calcium and vitamin D needs helping to build strong bones for their lifetime. Milk also offers specific key nutrients necessary for children’s brain development such as protein, zinc, iodine, selenium, choline, and vitamins A and B12. Milk’s powerhouse nutrient profile fuels bones and bodies throughout the entire year.

How to Find Free Summer Meals

To find free SUN Meals near you, use the USDA’s Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder search tool. Meals are offered as those that must be eaten on-site and meals that can be picked up and taken to go. Schools across The Dairy Alliance region are dedicated to increasing milk consumption and nutrition in children with creative programs like making smoothies or iced coffee using milk. Are you a school administrator interested in bringing these programs to your school? Reach out to our Youth Wellness team members in your state, you can find them here.

Sarah Hester, MS, RD

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