Professional Resources

The Dairy Alliance has a variety of free professional resources such as nutrition education kits and lesson plans. All materials are downloadable to help educate clients, students and the public on dairy’s role in the WIC program and sports nutrition.

Dairy Nutrition Worksheets and Lesson Plans

Health Professional and Nutrition Educator Toolkit

Share the latest research-based information with your students, patients and clients.  Resources will help dispel myths and provide facts about sustainable dairy farming and dairy’s essential role as part of a healthy diet. 

Science Briefs

Food Bank Toolkit

For only a quarter per glass, milk provides thirteen essential nutrients, including more high-quality protein than an egg. These resources can help your clients understand how milk fills nutrient gaps and answers questions about lactose intolerance, milk’s nutrient profile and how to use dairy in delicious recipe ideas.


Sports Nutrition Toolkit

Health and fitness professionals are a trusted resource for accurate, up-to-date information about nutrition as it relates to exercise. Our client education tools, nutrition materials and recommended web links have been developed to help professionals educate active adults about optimal nutrition practices for a healthy lifestyle, including information on whey protein and chocolate milk.

Brochures and Handouts


WIC Health Education Toolkit

Here you’ll find research, handouts and other materials (in English and Spanish) about dairy’s role in The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program. The educational handouts are perfect for use in local WIC offices.

Brochures and Handouts


The Dairy Alliance

Here at The Dairy Alliance, we believe in the power of dairy. Not only do we promote dairy nutrition, but we believe delicious dairy foods bring joy and fun. Educate about the power of dairy through fun and interactive recipes, worksheets, games, videos, and more. Check out our Dairy in Schools page for even more ideas and educational tips.

Contact The Dairy Alliance anytime for questions, suggestions, or comments regarding our professional resources.