Spring Clean Your Meal Routine

As the flowers begin to bloom and the days grow longer, it's the perfect time to do some spring cleaningβ€”but not just in your house. It's also a great time to clean up your diet and toss out any unhealthy habits from the winter months. Adding variety to your diet, trying new foods, or testing out different recipes can give a fresh start to your spring nutrition.

Clean Your Kitchen

While you’re swapping out heavy bed comforters and winter coats for lighter-weight items, don’t forget to include your kitchen on your spring-cleaning list. While this can feel like a daunting task, you won’t regret it once it’s done. A clean and simplified kitchen can help you save time and money when it comes to cooking!

Not sure where to start? Use this checklist for your kitchen cleaning:

  • Toss expired foods and condiments, freezer-burnt foods, and any other items you no longer use β€” listen to your gut. Don’t second guess an item and put it back!

  • Tackle the spice rack β€” toss or give away spices you don’t use.

  • Defrost your freezer.

  • Fully clean out the refrigerator, freezer, microwave, and pantry.

  • Dust and wipe down all countertops, backsplashes, and appliances.

  • Deep clean small appliances such as blender, toaster, and coffee maker. 

Your newly organized kitchen will help prevent food from getting lost in the clutter and place your regularly used items front and center. Remember: out of sight, out of mind. Only buy things you actually need and will use β€” not things that will end up hiding in the back of your pantry never to be seen again! Oh, and your wallet will thank you, too.

Revamp your Breakfast

Start your day off with a protein-packed breakfast to keep you full and energized for an active day ahead. Even if you won’t be doing a lot of physical activity, breakfast is still important for your brain to focus and make decisions! If you’ve been trying to figure out how to boost protein and nutrient intake, real dairy milk hits the mark with 13 essential nutrients, including 8 grams of high-quality protein.

Try some of these quick and easy breakfast recipes for busy mornings:

Upgrade your Snacks

Add in seasonal fruits and vegetables for fresh, satisfying spring snacks! Visit your local farmers’ markets for the most seasonal items. This is a great way to support your community, the environment, and your nutrition.

Think: β€œpair with protein” when it comes to snacking for balanced energy and fullness. You can even prepare a week’s worth of snacks at a time, so they are always handy when you need one! String cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese make great additions for snack time to hold you over until your next balanced meal.

Bored of the same snacks? Refresh your routine with these ideas:

Discover New Dairy Delights

As you transition from heartier dishes of winter to lighter, fresher spring meals, it’s important to make sure meals are still balanced with all of the nutrients your body needs. Include a source of protein, starch, healthy fat, dairy, and fruits or vegetables with every meal. As you overhaul your recipes with the season, take this as an opportunity to try new foods or eat them in different ways!

Make it a fun experience for the whole family or a group of friends:

  • Kefir taste test: Get a variety of flavors and vote on your favorite

  • Waffle-cone parfaits: Use waffle cone bowls instead of regular bowls! Have a variety of seasonal fruits and other toppings for a build-your-own parfait

  • Cheese board: Set out a smorgasbord of cheese types for everyone to try and compare different cheeses

  • Themed appetizer party: Have everyone bring an appetizer that incorporates the same one or two ingredients, like cheese and tomato. The most creative dish gets an award! 

Emily Lepping Smith is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a masters degree in Strength and Conditioning. She has worked with numerous professional athletes and NCAA Division 1 universities across 12 different sports. She and her husband help people all over the country achieve their health, fitness and performance goals with their online nutrition and fitness coaching business, AMBIT Health and Performance.

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