Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Tour Local Dairy Farm

If you’ve ever taken your child to the pediatrician, been to a primary care doctor yourself, or entrusted a loved one to a long-term care facility, it’s likely that you have been in the care of a Nurse Practitioner. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) practice across a variety of spaces, have an advanced degree in nursing, and experience that makes them an essential part of the healthcare team. Like other practitioners, NPs can specialize in a certain disease or life stage and devote their careers to providing quality care. The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) is the professional organization for NPs specializing in pediatrics.

Noticing the vital role this profession plays in the health of families, The Dairy Alliance has been proud to connect with many of the state chapters. The North Carolina chapter of this national organization and our Health & Wellness team recently partnered to host a free member appreciation event at the beautiful Howling Cow Education Center & Creamery located on the North Carolina State University campus. Members and their families were invited to spend a Saturday morning on a complementary farm tour of the dairy followed by lunch and of course... plenty of milk and ice cream! Need I say more?

In my conversations with those working in pediatrician offices from this group, they are often met with families asking them of the safety and health of choosing dairy milk for their growing families or work with families that choose alternative beverages such as oat or almond. Nurse Practitioners are uniquely positioned to be a trusted source of information and offer education to parents and families on the benefits of cow’s milk throughout the lifespan. After a day spent learning about the hard work and dedication of dairy farmers to producing a wholesome product and the superior nutrition dairy milk offers, these practitioners can be better champions of family health. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but an apple with a glass of milk keeps the NP away!

Find out what dairy farms in your area are available for tours here.   

Sarah Hester, MS, RD

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