Support the Randy Davis Memorial Milk Fund

Calling all Tennesseans (and everyone else)! We are bringing attention to a local fund helping to make milk accessible to all. It’s time to support the Randy Davis Memorial Milk Fund and efforts in your area to help the food insecure. The fund is a nonprofit organization that buys and donates fresh milk to local East Tennessee families in need. 

The fund was established in memory of dairy farmer Randy Davis of Davis Brothers Dairy in Philadelphia, TN. Randy and his brother started the farm in 1984. 

Randy Davis, a beloved member of our dairy farm community, dedicated his life to making a difference. Before his passing in 2016, Randy played a pivotal role in organizing and promoting a series of local, onsite milk drives in the Knoxville, Tennessee, area.  

Randy had a passion for his community and was always looking for ways to serve those in need. In 2011, Randy began hosting milk drives and collecting money to provide milk for food banks in East Tennessee. He recognized that milk was often requested at food banks but rarely donated since it is a perishable product. He was passionate about providing the nutrition of milk to local families.  

Milk is a household staple. In addition to being a delicious beverage, it is an essential ingredient in many recipes served at every meal. To meet the recommended three servings of milk per day and include an essential ingredient for many meals at home, families need consistent access to fresh milk. These drives helped more families have access to an essential food for everyday life. 

Soon after, his family established the Randy Davis Memorial Fund to continue his impactful work. Inspired by his passion for dairy farming and his belief in the power of community, this fund aims to provide nutritious milk to local families in need. We are honored to be working with the Davis family in keeping Randy's legacy alive.  

Randy’s family runs the farm today. 

Davis Brothers Dairy is always striving to be better at everything they do and becoming more efficient. Sam hopes to continue her father’s legacy of promoting Tennessee’s dairy industry and consumer education for years to come. 

To support the Randy Davis Memorial Fund and learn more about how you can support providing milk to local food banks and families in need, visit the link here. Together we can help bring nutrient-rich milk to the table of hungry families. 

If you would like to help in your local community, please volunteer with your community food bank to assist food-insecure families. 

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