Experience the Health Benefits of Milk with Smoothie Bowls

Kids drinking milk with splashes on their moustaches

 It can be difficult to get children interested in mealtimes. From a lack of appetite to a lack of interest in what you consider childhood staples, it can be stressful figuring out how to help the kids build good eating habits and reap the health benefits of milk and other nutritious drinks. 

Introduce your children to the power of milk with tasty creations to bring interest to snack time and breakfast. 

The Health Benefits of Milk

Bring the power of milk to your table. Milk’s high-performance protein can’t be matched by most alternative beverages. Real milk provides complete, high-quality protein whereas most plant-based proteins are incomplete. Unlike many alternatives on the market, unflavored real dairy milk contains no added sugar and is naturally sweetened with lactose.

This smoothie bowl will bring your child joy from creation to consumption. Take the time to shape the insignia in this smoothie bowl as a cool craft that will make snack time a fun addition to the day. Adding fresh fruit and shaping granola into stars will bring grins to everyone in the kitchen. If your kids are new to working in the kitchen, make sure to create some ground rules to keep the experience fun and relaxing for all.  

Captain Marvel Smoothie Bowl

Captain Marvel’s Smoothie Bowl with the Health Benefits of Milk


  • 1ΒΌ cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)

  • 1 banana

  • ΒΌ cup granola

  • 1 tbsp peanut butter**

  • Β½ cup Milk

  • Topping: Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, granola


  1. Rinse the fruit under cold running water.

  2. Peel the banana and cut* into chunks.

  3. Pour milk into blender*. Add all ingredients to blender* (except topping ingredients).

  4. Blend until smooth then pour into shallow bowl.

  5. Decorate top of smoothie bowl with superhero suit detail.

* With adult supervision

** Contains peanuts

If you love this fun smoothie bowl creation, follow along as we share other wonderful milk recipes you can share with the kids. Until then, learn more about milk’s benefits for children


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