Dairy Farming is Close to Home

5 cows with numbered tags

We often think we know our community like the back of our hand. We know the best local bar for karaoke, the prettiest trails for an evening walk, the best hole-in-the-wall barbeque, and the most attended churches. We can plan a fun evening or find the best deals. If traffic gets bad, we know the backroads that will get us home in half the time. We all know a lot about our local communities, but what about dairy farming? Do you know your local farmers? 

Local Dairy Farming

There are dairy farmers closer to you than you think. This fall, take a trip to the farm and learn more about the hardworking dairy farm families in your community. Explore the Dairy Trail of the Southeast to discover local farm tours and stores. 

There is something for everyone. Some dairy farmers operate on-farm stores that sell local products in addition to their own. If you are someone who loves to browse specialty cheeses and soothing candles on a cool morning or surprise the family with a unique milk flavor to try with your Friday night dessert, head out to the farm to support your community. 

For those who want to dedicate an entire day on the farm, some farms offer agri-tourism, or fun opportunities on the farm like hay rides, tours, and tastings. These tours are a great chance to learn more about food production and to connect to a local industry. Farmers can highlight on-farm practices that help the environment like water reuse, manure management, and even the feed that is given to cows. It’s an educational day that children from seven to seventy will enjoy. 

Of course, you can always visit your state fair if you are unsure of offerings in your area. Not only is the state fair the perfect opportunity for funnel cake, but it is also a chance to meet your local producers. The Dairy Alliance and other agriculture groups attend these events to offer insights into the local industry and have local farmers nearby to answer your questions. So while you have a pleasant, somewhat windy day at the fair, you can learn about the food system and even sample local dairy products. 


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