Milk Farming: University Dairies Produce More Than Milk

Cows  grazing under the sunset

Colleges and universities across the Southeast are home to milk farming; there could be a dairy farm right on your campus that you didn’t know about. These farms strive to educate students about agriculture while improving the dairy industry through their research. Below are some of these university dairies.


Milk Farming on Meadowbrook Farm  

Meadowbrook Farm is best known for being a teaching farm for agriculture students at Eastern Kentucky University. The farm hosts tours throughout the year for different schools, ages, and industry groups. 

β€œWe love to tell people our story and help explain where their food comes from,” says farm manager Matt Collins. β€œWe want the public to know we provide the best care to our cows and strive to deliver a quality product. Our dairy has provided multiple students with the opportunity to get the training needed to pursue careers within the dairy industry.” 


Clemson University Dairy Milk Farming 

The Clemson University Dairy Farm was the first farm in South Carolina to utilize a robotic milking system. The state-of-the-art technology allowed researchers to conduct studies in a modern facility and enabled the university the ability to train the next generation of dairy farmers with the most up-to-date technology. 

The farm offers tours to university clubs and classes as well as local schools and organizations. The farm brings a calf to campus during the CAFLS (College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences) tailgate in the fall and during Ag Appreciation Week in the spring. The Clemson University Dairy Science Club and their show team is open to students from all majors and does not require any prior experience with dairy cattle to participate. 

The goal of the Clemson Dairy Farm is to provide opportunities for research, teaching, and extension activities as well as to provide a quality product for consumers


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