How to Prepare for Back-to-School? Hydrate with Real Milk!

Everyone is preparing for the return to school, and that is no small feat. 

Back to school means a seemingly never-ending list that must somehow be completed in a matter of days. There are classroom supply lists and required tools for each class. Sports teams and afterschool activities sent out required clothing, snacks, and equipment for each session. Last year’s backpack needs replacing, the afterschool snacks need to be procured, and the next size up in clothes need to be purchased before it’s too cold for the “cropped” look. The back-to-school list is long enough before you consider routines for the rest of the school year. Take some of the stress off of back to school. This year, power your child’s performance and hydrate with real milk readily available at home and at school. 

Fight fatigue with milk. Summer break is ending and the work of learning and afterschool activities is beginning again. There isn’t time for fatigue with so many exciting opportunities each day. Help fuel your kids for the packed day by choosing real milk. Start the day with breakfast options at home or on-the-go with family meals you can prep in advance like overnight oats or smoothies made with milk. This first meal of the day will help your kids stay fueled and alert until the lunchtime break, especially when paired with a glass of milk to drink.  

Help your kid make the grade with real milk as a beverage at mealtimes throughout the day. Research shows that milk is one of the best beverages for hydration, even better than water or sports drinks. The natural electrolytes, carbohydrates and high-quality protein in milk make it a winner when it comes to rehydration and may make it more effective than water or sports drinks at maintaining normal hydration status after exercise. Reach for milk to help you and your family hydrate and recover so your family is always ready for the next assignment or game. 

Make the most of school meals and fuel your kid’s day with dairy foods. With its unique nutritional package, one glass of milk delivers 13 essential nutrients that are part of children’s growth, development, and learning, making it an important part of school mealtimes. 

So come lunch time, let your kids choose milk with confidence. Both white and chocolate milk offer electrolytes to help you stay hydrated. Choose chocolate milk for extra carbohydrates to help replenish energy stores after intense exercise in gym class or a long practice. Regardless of if the kids are eating from the cafeteria line or the lunch box, a cold sip of milk with lunch will help your kids bring their A(+) game. 

Lactose intolerant? Introduce the family to lactose-free milk at home. It’s real milk without lactose. There are many options on the market offering electrolytes to help you stay hydrated. These lactose-free recipes offer more ways you can add dairy to your diet through lactose-free milk or low-lactose dairy foods. 

What’s on your list to prepare for the kids going back to school? Make planning simpler and put milk in the top spot. 

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