Celebrate Global Running Day on June 5

What Is Global Running Day?

Did you know that June 5, 2024, is Global Running Day? Global Running Day is a celebration of running held annually on the first Wednesday of June that aims to get people moving!

To participate, you can log some miles on your own or get involved in virtual or in-person events. Check out the Global Running Day events to find an event near you.

Benefits of Running

Running has many health benefits, both physical and mental. The physical health benefits of running include improved cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, better sleep, a boosted immune system, stronger bones, strengthened muscles, and a reduced risk for all causes of death.

Mental health benefits of running include lowered risk of depression, decreased anxiety, increased mood, increased mental clarity, and improved memory.

Running Safety Tips

If you are new to running, it’s a good idea to see your doctor for a check-up prior to beginning a new exercise routine.

It’s also important to run only when and where you feel safe to do so. Some running safety tips include:

  • Running in pairs or groups

  • Running during daylight hours

  • Running on sidewalks or running paths

  • Running with reflective gear, if running in the dark

  • Letting someone know when and where you’ll be running

  • Taking your phone or smartwatch with you while running

  • Wearing sunscreen if running during the day

You’ll want to warm up prior to running with dynamic stretching and/or walking to get your body warmed and loosened up. Completing a proper warm-up will help you to improve flexibility and prevent injury. A pre-run warm-up does not have to take a long time. Even a few minutes will provide benefits.

Choosing appropriate running gear and clothes is also important for running. Visit your local running store to get fitted for running shoes. This helps ensure that you are wearing the correct shoes for your feet and gait to help prevent injury. Wear moisture-wicking running socks to avoid getting blisters on your feet. Appropriate running clothing can also eliminate chafing and make running more enjoyable. Breathable clothing is especially important in hotter climates or if you are a heavy sweater. Carrying a water bottle or wearing a hydration vest can help you stay hydrated on runs, especially during the warmer months.

Importance of Hydration and Nutrition for Runners

It is important to stay hydrated while running. Drinking an appropriate amount of fluids before, during, and after running will help you stay hydrated and boost performance.

Before running, aim to drink at least 16-24 ounces of fluids. During running, aim to drink at least 25 ounces of fluids per hour of exercise. After running, aim to drink 16-24 ounces of fluids for each pound of body weight lost during exercise. In a hot or humid climate, adding electrolytes such as sodium can help you stay hydrated and prevent muscle cramping.

After running, you’ll also want to refuel your body with carbohydrates and protein. Research shows that milk is one of the best beverages for hydration and recovery. Milk provides electrolytes, carbohydrates, and protein, which are essential for runners. Choose chocolate milk for extra carbohydrates to help replenish energy stores after longer races or intense exercise.  

Helping you stay healthy and hydrated, build lean muscle, reach your fitness goals, and recover after a tough workout, milk does it all. Stay in the game and reduce your risk of sports-related stress fractures by drinking milk, the number one food source of calcium in the American diet. Smoothies are a great way to incorporate recovery ingredients into one meal.

Incorporating Running Into a Healthy Lifestyle

If you are just starting out, incorporate running into your lifestyle by starting slow. You may want to start walking and then progress to running. You may want to start with shorter distances before increasing mileage. Make sure you’re eating an overall balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and dairy products. A balanced diet will help you fuel your body for exercise, strengthen muscles and bones, and recover well.  

You do not have to run long distances or even every day to get the health benefits. Jogging or running just one to two miles a few times per week can go a long way to help reduce your risk of disease. 

Jill Merkel is a Registered Dietitian specializing in sports nutrition and disordered eating. She is the owner of a virtual private practice, Jill Merkel RD Nutrition Coaching and Consulting, based out of Tennessee. She loves helping people fuel their bodies for exercise and performance and take the stress out of eating.

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