Power Up with Dairy This Back-to-School Season

Ease back into the school year with these healthy and refueling dairy recipes from The Dairy Alliance

ATLANTA, Aug. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), nine out of every ten voters who have children in public schools express that ensuring the healthiness and nutritional value of school meals for children in their community is of primary importance. The Dairy Alliance, a leader in the dairy industry in raising awareness about the nutritional advantages of milk, is partnering with schools throughout the Southeast to educate students, teachers, and parents about the importance of dairy in children's daily diet.

"With 8 grams of natural high-quality protein per serving, creamy dairy milk remains unmatched as a nutritional powerhouse to support growing bodies. Dairy milk, offering 13 essential nutrients, is also an excellent source of calcium, which is instrumental in helping children build and maintain strong bones – an essential foundation for growth and performance," said Geri Berdak, Chief Executive Officer at The Dairy Alliance. "Our team is proud to work with local school systems in encouraging lifelong eating habits essential for childhood development."

Children ranging from 4 to 8 years old should strive for daily consumption of 2.5 cups of dairy, while those aged 9 to 18 should target three cups. Below are nutritionist-approved, kid-friendly recipes that incorporate milk, cheese, or yogurt to get children's daily dose of dairy:

"It's important to incorporate dairy throughout childhood as it fosters a nutritious dietary routine that will be endured across all stages of life," said Laura Buxenbaum, MPH, RD, LDN, Senior Director, Health & Wellness at The Dairy Alliance. "A daily variety of dairy food consumption, such as Greek yogurt, flavored milk, and cheese nourishes brains, bones, and bodies. With a wide assortment of delicious and affordable dairy options available today, our team works with schools and families across the Southeast to provide healthy and nutritious options that everyone will love."

Looking for more mealtime dairy inspiration? Check out the recipes page at https://thedairyalliance.com/dairy-recipes. For more information about The Dairy Alliance, visit https://thedairyalliance.com or follow them on Facebook or Instagram @TheDairyAlliance.


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Kaitlyn Ianiro


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