It’s National School Breakfast Week: Fuel with Dairy Foods

2 boys drinking the dairy milk

It’s that time of year once again. Throughout this week, students and school staff across the country are celebrating National School Breakfast Week through themed meals, fun competitions, and more fun ideas from those who recognize the importance of student access to nutritious meals. 

This event takes place the first full week in March every year. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You’ve heard it from everyone—from your parents to puppets on TV. National School Breakfast Week further spreads this message. The special observance celebrates the national School Breakfast Program and the many ways it gives kids a great start every day. 

National School Breakfast Week

This week celebrates the importance of a nutritious school breakfast in fueling students for success. 

Consistent nutritious meals are critical to a child’s overall mental and physical growth. Children who eat breakfast are more likely to reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math, score higher on standardized tests, have better concentration and memory, be more alert, and maintain a healthy weight. Plus, students who participate in school breakfast tend to have better attendance rates and fewer behavioral problems. 

A two-year pilot project known as the School Breakfast Program, and eventually the permanent School Breakfast Program, provided a balanced meal following the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

Since 1966, the School Breakfast Program has served free, nutritious meals to students. Today, the School Breakfast Program provides 12 million nutritious breakfasts to children across the country every day. This week raises awareness about the importance of the program.  

The success of the School Breakfast Program has launched programs such as Grab N’ Go, Second Chance Breakfast, and Breakfast in the Classroom, all of which The Dairy Alliance supports in the Southeast region through grants for equipment in addition to our other dairy in schools programs. 

This National School Breakfast Week, celebrate by raising a glass of milk with your family. 

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