Hydrate For Your Run With Real Milk

Are you ready to stretch those legs and get the blood pumping? As the start of the day or the beginning of our nighttime routine, plenty of us turn to a run to clear our minds and stay in shape. It’s an easy way to work out regularly and feel accomplished. Though running is an accessible workout to all, there is more to your run than laced up shoes and a route tracker. To go the extra mile, make sure you have what you need to stay hydrated and recover from your workout. 

Pair your accessible, beneficial workout with milk, the accessible beverage that may improve hydration. Before you head out for your run, make sure you have what you need to stay hydrated. It doesn’t matter if it is a run around the neighborhood or a 10k, make sure you hydrate for your run with real milk. 

As you prepare for your run, there are three main nutrition factors that can influence how well you race: carbohydrates, fluids, and electrolytes. Carbohydrates provide the energy needed while fluids are essential for helping your body not overheat, preventing dehydration, and transporting nutrients and oxygen to hard-working muscles. You don’t necessarily need carbohydrates for shorter runs, but some runners may find getting some carbohydrates helpful, especially if they did not eat enough before their workout.  

After the run, choose chocolate milk for extra carbohydrates to help replenish energy stores. Every runner has different fluid needs based on how much fluid they lose through sweat. Drinking milk after exercise may help you restore fluid balance better than commercial sports drinks. Electrolytes help your body hold on to more of the fluid you consume as well as help muscles work. Electrolyte losses vary considerably among athletes. Both white and chocolate milk offer electrolytes to help you stay hydrated. 

Milk is one of the best beverages for hydration. The natural electrolytes, carbohydrates, and high-quality protein in milk make it a winner when it comes to rehydration. Milk’s electrolyte content paired with carbohydrates and high-quality protein may make it more effective than water or sports drinks at maintaining normal hydration status after exercise. Reach for milk to help you hydrate and recover so you’re always ready for the next run. 

Milk’s natural electrolytes, carbohydrates, and high-performance protein are hard to match. Compared to other sports drinks, milk is a nutritional bargain, providing electrolytes, carbohydrates, and complete, high-performance protein at approximately 25 cents per 8-ounce glass. Instead of expensive sports drinks, choose milk after your run to help you stay hydrated longer.  

Lactose intolerant? Try lactose-free milk. It’s real milk, just without the lactose that may cause discomfort. There are many options on the market offering electrolytes to help you stay hydrated. Regular, chocolate, or lactose-free, milk is an option for every runner to stay hydrated. 

Read these other great articles to prepare for a better run: 

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