How Do Dairy Farmers Celebrate Ag Week?

Last week, we highlighted National Agriculture Week and the importance of agriculture to the country. This week, we are looking at some of the events put on in celebration of agriculture this month.

To celebrate local agriculture, Auburn University students majoring in agriculture-related fields organized a Beyond the Farm event on campus for students from all colleges. Students could stop by the campus greenspace on March 20, 2024, and learn about agriculture. Over 300 students attended the farm event to discover more about the industry. The Dairy Alliance attended the event to host fun giveaways and share information about the Southeast dairy industry with students. Students loved the dairy swag available and were extremely interested in learning more about the local industry.

The Dairy Alliance shared with Virginia students videos highlighting successful sustainability efforts in the dairy industry. For example, many dairy farmers reuse the resources around the farm. After cooling milk, cleaning equipment and then cleaning barns, the used water is recycled for irrigation. A benefit of reused water is that it has been enriched by the manure it cleared from barns. Manure itself is also used as a fertilizer for crops grown to feed the cows, nourishing the soil for future years. It is important for those who live away from the agricultural industry to understand where their foods and products come from and are produced.

The Dairy Alliance participated in Tennessee’s Ag Day on the Hill event held in Nashville on National Agriculture Day. The state event celebrated Tennessee agriculture and honored the commitment of farmers and forest landowners who contribute to feeding, constructing, clothing, and powering the world.

This unique occasion serves as a platform for producers and stakeholders to engage with state lawmakers while bringing a slice of farm life to downtown Nashville. Attended by a diverse group including Tennessee farmers, agriculture officials, legislators, 4-H members, FFA members, and citizens, the event instilled hope for the future of agriculture in the Volunteer State. The Dairy Alliance sponsored milk to share with eventgoers. We extend our gratitude to our partners at the Tennessee Farm Bureau and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture for planning the event, as well as to the family of Major Dairy in Lebanon for generously providing two heifers for petting and photography opportunities.

To end National Ag Week, The Dairy Alliance sponsored a weekend full of dairy youth activities at the Clemson Spring Dairy Show, which featured over 400 cattle from 11 states. The Dairy Alliance was the presenting sponsor for the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4-H Dairy Cattle Evaluation event, an event that has seen a 5-fold increase in recent years. The Dairy Alliance also sponsored and judged the "Let's Talk Dairy" speech contest. Participants ranging from ages 5 to 18 gave a prepared 2-minute speech promoting dairy with a focus on dairy foods and nutrition. Finally, The Dairy Alliance also helped sponsor events during the dairy shows, including a youth game night with fun dairy-themed prizes.

And farmers made time for the celebration, too. Dore Hunt, farm manager at Chaney's Dairy Barn, was featured in honor of Women’s Month and Ag Week. She highlighted her daily tasks of caring for the dairy cows all while carrying her 8-pound newborn, Rebecca. Dairy farmers also made posts recognizing the agriculture industry. A great example is Riverbend Creamery, which shared a short video on Instagram to highlight the industry today and why more consumers should shop locally.

Learn more about National Agriculture Week and why you should celebrate agriculture, too.

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