Fifteen Tasty Tips for Back to School

Children at lunch

Grab your backpacks and pencils -- it's back to school time! Busy parents are always looking for fast, healthy, and tasty foods to keep their families fueled up. Here are 15 ideas to get the health benefits of dairy during the school year.


Breakfast kick-starts your day with the nutrition it craves. Studies show children who eat breakfast have better attendance in school, improved test scores, superior nutrition and are less likely to be overweight.

  • Blend strawberry milk with fresh banana slices for a delicious smoothie.

  • Sprinkle low-fat cheese on scrambled eggs, then roll it all up in a whole grain tortilla.

  • Layer granola, fresh berries, and vanilla yogurt for a yummy parfait.

  • Top a toasted raisin bagel with fat-free cream cheese and banana slices.

  • Oatmeal is quick, delicious, and nutritious when made with low-fat milk.


Experts agree that the best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs is by eating natural foods rich in nutrients, such as dairy foods, 100 percent whole grains, and fresh fruit.

  • Wrap a slice of Swiss cheese, deli ham, and Dijon mustard in lettuce leaves.

  • Try peanut butter and jelly on a whole grain waffle as a new twist on an old favorite.

  • Layer low-fat American cheese and smoked turkey onto whole grain crackers.

  • Pack carrot 'chips,' celery sticks, and mini tomatoes together with low-fat ranch dressing for dipping.

  • Eat lunch at school. It's healthy, a time-saver for Mom, and a great bargain!

  • Stock up on cups of fruit, boxes of raisins, snack cheeses, whole grain Goldfish™ crackers, baked chips, and low-sugar granola bars.

After-School Snacks

Kids snack more than adults. Make snacking a great way to get in those often-missed food groups like whole grains, fruit, veggies, and dairy.

  • Dip a few graham crackers or gingersnaps into a cold glass of fat-free milk.

  • Freeze squeezable yogurt tubes for a quick and creamy popsicle.

  • Pack string cheese and dried fruit in a sports bag for a post-activity energizer.

  • Mix parmesan cheese with popped popcorn and pretzels for a super delicious crunchy snack.

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