Eating a Balanced Diet During the Holiday Season

The holidays are a time to get together with friends and family to make new memories and cherish old ones. More times than not, these special days are centered around nostalgic dishes. With the abundance of sweet treats and rich dishes that surround us during the holiday season, it may seem impossible to have a balanced diet during these months. But remember, a balanced diet includes all foods, from broccoli to sugar cookies. So, let’s talk about how to have a balanced diet, even during the holidays.


To help stay full and avoid those pesky cravings, it’s important to get enough protein in at each meal. It can be much more difficult to avoid the excess treats that surround us at work if we are hungry. Making sure that meals and snacks have enough protein will help us stay full and satisfied for longer. Low-fat dairy foods such as Greek yogurt or cottage cheese are great options for breakfast or snacks!


Fruits, vegetables, and root vegetables are high in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals that other holiday foods may be lacking. If you find your plate looking a little too bland, see if there are any extra fruits or vegetables that can be added to it. The more color, the better!

80/20 Rule

Don’t feel the need to say no to all treats and rich dishes. If our diet is rich in lean protein sources, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and good carbohydrate choices for 80% of the year, then it is important to have those foods that may not be traditional “healthy” for the remaining 20%. Most of us only get to enjoy these delicious foods once a year. If there is a dish or dessert that you love, eat it!

Brianna Frutchey

Brianna attended Towson University as an exercise science major with plans to become a physical therapist. She quickly realized that physical therapy was not her passion, but that exercise and nutrition were. After adding a chemistry minor to her exercise science degree, she graduated and immediately attended Pace University’s Coordinated Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Program and received her ACSM personal trainer certification. She is passionate about using food to increase athletic performance, as well as helping others create a healthy relationship with food. One thing that she takes pride in is creating new recipes that are both delicious and balanced. Her favorite activities are lifting heavy, playing soccer, and trying new foods.

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