Celebrate National Agriculture Week

Celebrate National Agriculture Week with The Dairy Alliance! Read on to learn more about Ag Week and Ag Day and how you can be a part of the celebrations.

Importance of Agriculture  

According to the USDA, agriculture and its related industries, like food service or apparel, contributed $1.109 trillion to the US gross domestic production (GDP) in 2019, with the output of American farms contributing to $136.1 billion of that total. As of 2020, agriculture and its related industries provided 10.3% of US employment, or 19.7 million full- and part-time jobs. On-farm employment accounted for about 2.6 million of these jobs, or 1.4% of US employment. 

Sustainable practices play a large role in the dairy industry and benefit farmers and consumers alike. Farmers prioritize taking care of the land so that the land will take care of them, their families, and generations to come. The United States agriculture industry only contributes around 10% of overall greenhouse gas emissions. Of that 10%, the dairy industry only contributes 1.9% despite the large role dairy plays in the diet. Not only are the dairy industry’s contributions minimal, but these practices play an active role in enhancing the air and soil. 

With fewer people working in agriculture today despite an increasing population, America’s farmers must increase production to keep up with demand. It is through their efforts that we have a bountiful meal on our table each day, so be sure to celebrate farmers this National Ag Week. 

Celebrating Farmers 

National Agriculture Week, often referred to as National Ag Week, is celebrated annually during the third week of March. National Ag Day is celebrated during National Agriculture Week. This year, National Ag Day was celebrated on March 19, 2024. This week is meant to increase the public's awareness of agriculture's role in the modern world and celebrate those who are part of the agriculture industry. 

As Ag Week continues, we strive to recognize the hard work of dairy farmers and their families each and every day. Farmers protect the earth and provide many of the essentials we need in our day-to-day lives. Work on the farm is never done, yet these farming families have dedicated their lives and work to provide food for our tables. 

Dairy foods come in a variety of products for us all to enjoy. From a glass of fresh milk to topping of cheese at dinner to a spoonful of yogurt, there is a dairy food we all enjoy. And for those who are lactose intolerant, there are dairy foods that are low in lactose or even without lactose, meaning everyone can enjoy dairy. 

Educating the Public  

In addition to special Agricultural Week events, the industry is committed to educating on modern farming and food safety practices during National Ag Week. 

The Dairy Alliance often discusses farm-to-table dairy farming, or the steps between a cow producing milk and that milk making it to your kitchen table. It's important to know where your food comes from to better connect with the foods you eat. The farm-to-table process for dairy farming is simple. Dairy farmers milk their cows multiple times a day. This milk is collected and tested. It is transported to a facility to be pasteurized and bottled or turned into other dairy foods. Once it leaves the farm, milk is available on store shelves within 48 hours, so you can enjoy a glass of milk at breakfast knowing that a local farmer is preparing your next gallon.  

Farmers work to create safe, nutritious food for our families. With multiple safety measures in place to prevent the introduction of antibiotics to our food and practices that care for the health and well-being of their cows, farmers dedicate their lives to making the best product possible, and that is more than enough reason to recognize the importance of agriculture. 

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