Back to School Breakfast Ideas Using Milk

Boy pouring milk into breakfast cereals bowl in kitchen

School mornings are hectic! I know at my house it seems like we are always racing to get out of the door and in the classroom before the bell rings. 

It would be easy to skip breakfast to save time, but as a registered dietitian, I know that feeding my girls a balanced breakfast at the beginning of the day will have lasting positive impacts on both their physical health and academic performance. 

Research shows children who eat breakfast have better memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.  Breakfast is also an opportunity to get their recommended daily servings of food groups like dairy that provide essential nutrients for their growth.   

Try these timesaving tips to beat the morning rush and give your kids a balanced breakfast before the bell:

Menu plan. Save time and tears on early school mornings by discussing breakfast beforehand. Make a breakfast menu over the weekend and offer your kids input by letting them choose between healthy options like whole grain cereal or yogurt parfaits. 

Meal prep. Use extra time on Sundays to make overnight oats, hard boil eggs, slice and store fruit in the fridge, and freeze bananas for smoothies. One of my favorite time-saving tricks is to freeze leftover pancakes on weekends and pop them in the toaster oven on school mornings. 

Make it portable. When all else fails, have healthy convenience foods on hand. There are so many great grab-n-go options in the dairy case now. Keep your fridge stocked with yogurt tubes, string cheese, and individual smoothies so if breakfast does happen in the car, you can feel better knowing your kids are getting the protein they need to fuel their day.    

Set your child up for success this school year with a balanced breakfast. Visit The Dairy Alliance recipe page for more healthy recipes.

Laura Marbury, MS, RDN, LD

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