A Back to School Must Try: Fluffy Pancakes

Homemade fluffy Japanese pancakes

Fluffy pancakes guarantee a good start to the day. They’re light and can be drizzled and topped with many sweet options. The sweet bite of sliced fruit, the sticky, flavorful addition of syrup or the classic pat of butter, pancakes are a light, versatile breakfast option that pairs wonderfully with that morning glass of milk. It’s a dairy recipe to enjoy as you wake up and prepare for the day ahead. 

But what if you could get pancakes that are even fluffier than those in your typical morning meal? As in, when compared side-by-side, you realize that there are fluffy pancakes and then there are fluffy pancakes. Could it be the perfect treat as you reenter your school day routine? 

A simple dairy recipe that originates in Japan, these redefining pancakes look more like a souffle than a flapjack. In fact, fluffy pancakes are interchangeable with souffle pancakes. Though overall a traditional pancake with the same, satisfying taste, a fluffy pancake appears as delicate as a generous topping of whip cream, giving those enjoying it more with less. It seems like the only choice for people who believe “the fluffier the better” when it comes to breakfast. 

Adapting your favorite pancake recipe for these fluffy pancakes is easy enough. As if you’re making a souffle, your recipe should include folded egg whites that have been beaten until stiff peaks form. After that, you only need to change how you cook your pancakes. Pour your mixture into small ring molds, making sure to leave room at the top. Cook on a low temperature so the golden pancakes don’t reveal raw batter in the center. (Covering the pan can help.) Carefully flip once you see the small bubbles that signify your pancake is almost ready to be devoured. 

That’s it! Imagine slicing into your favorite buttermilk pancakes and taking in the delicious smell. It’s amazing even before you take a bite! The end size of your pancakes and how big that first bite is will be up to you. The taller the ring mold, the fluffier the pancake, but to create a mini skyscraper for breakfast will take lots of willpower. If your first attempt at this dairy recipe doesn’t hold in the mold, you still have a tasty batter to personalize for traditional pancakes everyone will enjoy. Either way, it’s a wonderful start for a day of learning. 

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